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采编:合肥家教网   来源:合肥51家教网    点击:1110    发布日期:2021-11-23 04:18:56

What Your Social Media Profile Pic Says About You

 A study from the University of Pennsylvania reveals what your profile picture says about you, and your personality. It turns out that your social media profile picture knows all. 

The study analyzes a broad range of interpretable image features from profile pictures, such as colors, aesthetics, facial presentation, and emotions. Working with these features, researchers uncovered their relationships with personality attributes from the big five model of personality traits — extraversion, agreeableness, openness, conscientiousness, and neuroticism. 
Researchers chose to focus their efforts on studying profile pictures because they reflect the impressions we want to convey to others. 
"Although social media allows a user to shape his or her own personality and idealized view, evidence shows that social media behavior usually represents an extension of one's self," researchers from the study claim. 
Here's the quick about what your profile picture says about your personality: 
Conscientiousness is the personality trait associated with orderliness, planned behavior and self discipline. Conscientious people choose colorful, natural, and bright images where they are smiling, and generally appear happy. 
Extraversion is a trait marked by engagement with the outside world. Extraverted people often select a sharp, colorful profile image that contains multiple, young-looking people, generally not wearing glasses (which is associated with introverts). 
Agreeableness is characterized by social harmony and cooperation. Agreeable people choose soft, cluttered, less aesthetically pleasing images than their counterparts, though they do display positive emotions, like joy. 
Neuroticism is associated with the experience of negative emotions and emotional instability, and thus neurotic people generally display simple, un-colorful images with negative color emotions. Facial expressions often lack openness, and include glasses, though neurotic people often choose profile images without visible faces. 
Openness is separated into the sub-traits 'Intellect' and 'Openness to Experience'. Open people tend to choose appealing though less colorful, images, with increased contrast, sharpness, saturation and less blur. Additionally, open people tend to display a wider range of emotions in their profile pictures. 
The University of Pennsylvania study concludes that users who are open or neurotic tend to post less photos of people, and when people are present, they tend not to express positive emotions, though the aesthetic quality of the photos is higher for openness and lower for neuroticism. 
So, now that you know which one you are (I'm neurotic), is your trait most or least likely to attract friends? 

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